Friday, February 28, 2014

The Hunt for Organic

When I first told my bestie that I was pregnant, she asked her mom about tips for pregnancy. One of the few her mother gave me was to use organic for everything I put on my skin.

I have never been an organic person; in fact, my own mom has called me a "chemical person" just because I did not even care to look at the ingredients in a beauty product. And believe me, I use a lot of them.

Recently (but still before I got pregnant) I have been concerned about cosmetics and skin care made out of natural ingredients such as mineral or herbs. But whole-organic? Never heard of; do not even know where to start.

Again, I began my journey of exploration on Google.

Lists of certified organic brands came on when I put "organic skin & body care" in the search engine. I clicked one of them, titled "Top 25 USDA Certified Organic Skin Care Lines"

It did overwhelm me for a while trying to decide which ones to choose from. I have to admit that I am a "judge-the-book-by-its-cover" person, especially for products, so one particular brand attracted my attention: Earth Mama Angel Baby

But to come think about it, I am in urgent need of replacing my ENTIRE beauty line, from shampoo to lip balm, because when I checked my shower supplies, everything had sulfate and paraben in it, which just stressed me out. Therefore I used social networking again and found out that Whole Foods Market doesn't just have organic food, but also organic beauty supply in a sister store called Whole Body, which in Nashville is conveniently situated right across from Whole Foods.

Then I went with another married friend of mine, and we stepped into the store with limited research done. Luckily the store salesperson was super sweet, helpful, and honest. According to my skin type, she recommended a line called Juice Beauty, which happens to be ranked within the top 25 on that website as well. The store also has local-made organic bar soaps sold by weight (meaning you can cut a piece of soap out of a humongous bulk), which just smells heavenly and all natural. In addition to the soap and the facial skin care, I also bought shampoo, conditioner, and a lip balm. Here is a picture of my prey that day:
Left to right: Acura leave-in hair conditioner; Juice Beauty Clear Skin sample/traveler kit; Mongo Kiss certified organic lip balm (vanilla honey flavor, hmmm); Andalou hair conditioner and shampoo; locally made organic soap

I tried the juice beauty right away that night: it was comfortable and moisturizing, with no dry-out effect for the cleansing gel. However, the smell is kind of horrible for me. But I can stand the smell, especially when I don't have any alternatives for any of these yet.

I did go to the website again for Earth mama Angel baby trying to see whether I could find something else, and it seems that all of their soap product is versatile for multiple usage. Just to be sure, I talked to them on Facebook, and the person answering the questions was very patient and helpful, and even offered a code for 15%discount. So I went to the website and ordered another line from them, just to be used after I am finished with the Whole-Body-Purchased line. Here is what I bought:

So here ends my hunt for organic for now. I will probably post product reviews after I get t o use all of them. The notion stays the same: get the best during pregnancy for your baby and yourself.

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